merp! an instance branded around synths, but supports all kinds of creatures. • mastodon (chuckya) frontend: • akkoma frontend: • check out our sharkey instance,! (same rules and details of that instances applies to this one)
no nazis, racism, queerphobia or bigotry of any kind or hate speech.
this one should be obvious.
no illegal content such as child pornography or equivalents (e.g. lolishota)
this one should ALSO be obvious.
properly use content warnings when posting.
content warn anything such as NSFW content, reclaimed slurs and politics.
don't harass people if there is no valid reason to.
block and move on.
we encourage adding alt text onto media.
not required, but recommended.
note that these rules can't always be enforced or are lightened up for some cases.
Just use common sense.
beep merp rawr :3
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